We seek to enhance the learning experience of our 3rd grade students at Northside. In our classroom, we use computers, accelerated reader, laptops, math games, manipulatives, and the STEM lab to increase learning. In addition to the classroom, students engage in library, guidance, and creative dramatic classes. Students are involved in Physical Education and receive a nutritious snack daily. Students travel to “Farm Day” during the fall and enjoy Fun Filled Fitness day in the spring. With the most recent changes to our Social Studies standards, our students will also visit Shiloh National Military Park to learn more about the Native Americans who made their home on the banks of the Tennessee River.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”
Helen Keller
Expectations of 3rd Graders at Northside
We maintain high expectations and promote academic excellence for ALL students. Students in 3rd grade are expected to be READY for learning each day. They need to be prepared for class which includes having supplies at school, homework, and textbooks daily. Each student will be RESPONSIBLE for his or her own actions and learning readiness. A RESPECTFUL environment will be promoted through mutual acceptance and understanding of individual differences.
Third grade is a year of transition at Northside. Not only are students introduced to new subjects like social studies and science, but they are also evaluated with a number/letter grade.
Our students work hard to cover all standards established by the Tennessee Department of Education before Spring testing. In all academic subjects, students are expected to read on or above grade level material and write about what they read. It is important for students to understand that they must apply what they are reading and learning about in the classroom to their daily lives.
As teachers, we expect students to prepare themselves for success by bringing the necessary supplies to class, being engaged by actively participating in class and turning all assignments in on time. We believe third grade is a great stepping stone towards developing a strong sense of responsibility in our students along with their respective responsibilities to others and their community.
Our goal in third grade math is to master the multiplication facts and become more fluent in addition and subtraction. Through the work of games, math stations, worksheets, partner work, individual and whole group instruction, students can achieve this goal. Students will use diverse strategies and different algorithms to solve problems. These alternate approaches help students develop a better understanding of mathematics.
Third grade is a year of transition. Reading class moves from students learning to read into students learning from reading. Also, they learn strategies and skills to help them understand and apply what they are reading. One thing students enjoy most about 3rd grade is the introduction of novels. We read “Helen Keller” and typically enjoy a field trip to Ivy Green in Tuscumbia, Alabama. It is imperative for students to have a strong foundation in reading as it is vital to understanding all other subjects.
From the Teachers at Northside
Third grade is a year of transition at Northside. Not only are students introduced to new subjects like social studies and science, but they are also evaluated with a number/letter grade. Our students work hard to cover all standards established by the Tennessee Department of Education before Spring testing while also allocating time and resources towards introducing major components of world geography and world culture.
As teachers, we expect students to prepare themselves for success by bringing the necessary supplies to class, being engaged with participation and turning all assignments in on time. We believe third grade is a great stepping stone towards developing a strong sense of responsibility in our students along with their respective responsibilities to others and their community. We greatly encourage a cooperative link between school, home, and community as we practice transparency at all levels from administration to teachers and parents with students.
-From the 3rd Grade teachers at Northside, Mrs. Megan McDonald, Ms. Carly Seaton, Mrs. Ashley Storey, Mrs. Julie Gostomski
Parent Engagement
We greatly encourage a cooperative link between school, home, and community as we practice transparency at all levels from administration to teachers and parents with our students. We ask parents/guardians to review all completed work that is sent home with your child each day and help them correct mistakes so they may master new skills. Parents are key to student success and we ask that you contact your child’s teachers with questions or concerns.