A School Of Academic Excellence With Heart
A Word From Our Principal
Our students and their families are the heartbeat of Northside Elementary School. We feel it is a privilege to work with them. While our main focus is motivating our students to step out of their comfort zone and try to meet new academic challenges, we strive to nurture our students and love them as our own. The faculty and staff at Northside encourage all students to be “Respectful, Responsible, and Ready” each day in words and deeds. Northside is a great place for students to learn and grow both socially and academically. I am honored to be a part of Northside: “A School of Academic Excellent with Heart.”

A Word From Our Assistant Principal
“It is an honor to be part of your child’s elementary experience at Northside! We realize you are sharing your most precious gifts with us, and our heart’s desire is to work alongside you in helping your children reach their full potential. Education truly is the doorway to opportunities; it is nothing short of an investment in their future. At Northside, education not only stretches the mind, but it also expands the HEART by promoting Honesty, Enthusiasm, Academics, Responsibility, and Talent. Thank you for sharing your child’s elementary years with us! We look forward to a year that is productive, and to a yield that is plentiful!”
–Dr. Kris Smith, Assistant Principal at Northside Elementary
The Culture of Northside Elementary
Northside serves students in grades Pre-K thru 5th. We currently have over 525 students and have seen growth every year that we have been open. At Northside, we strive to meet the needs of all students and involve our families in a variety of activities.
Learning, growing, and changing are the hallmarks of education and here at Northside, we seek to encourage every student to reach their full potential. We utilize challenging learning experiences, supportive environments, and dedicated faculty and staff members to facilitate learning for all students. Our opportunities for academic growth include hands-on learning in science and math, a committed computer lab for STEM activities, weekly computer classes, and high-quality instruction in all academic areas. All of our students visit the library weekly to support their classroom literacy instruction and to explore books of their own choosing.
We inspire students to grow socially through volunteerism and support for our community. Northside students use their artistic talents to make cards for nursing home residents, donate to the local animal shelter, and participate in various community activities including sports, 4-H, and scouting. Students are recognized weekly and quarterly for outstanding behavior and care for others. We acknowledge our students not only for what they do within our walls, but how they positively impact our community as well.
Northside aims to nurture our students and give them a strong sense of belonging. We believe they deserve a learning environment that sees them as individuals with great strengths, talents, and abilities. Without a doubt, our students work hard each and every day; it is evident in their countless accomplishments.
School Awards & Recognition
America’s Healthiest Schools- Bronze Award 2018-2019

Family and Community Engagement
We value our families and community as partners in education. It takes all of us working together to positively impact our students. Northside offers many opportunities for our families to participate in their students’ academic, social, and emotional growth.
- Family Christmas events
- Academic focused family nights
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Parent nights in each grade level
- Read-A-Thon guest readers
- Read Across America
- Lifeline Blood Drive
- Book Fair
- Kids Heart Challenge
- Harvest Festival
- Literacy Night
For the 2022-2023 school year, we are actively involving our students in STEAM activities in the classroom, computer lab, and in special projects throughout the year. We are integrating science, technology, engineering, art, and math through hands-on activities designed to allow students to solve problems, use higher-order thinking skills, and answer critical questions impacting their lives.
One of our major goals with STEAM is to infuse learning across the curriculum. We also want students to utilize their learning in a forward-thinking way that could possibly lead to future career choices. Of course, motivating our students to go above and beyond in their learning endeavors is crucial to their success. STEAM is a great way to accomplish this goal.

Beth Baugus
Northside offers two different sports for our upper grade students. We have basketball and bowling teams for both girls and boys.

Bowling Champions